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Data Science Datalore Features

New in Datalore: Inspections, Quick-fixes, and More Plotting

While everybody is quarantined and working remotely, the importance of collaborative development tools is higher than ever. With that in mind, we on the Datalore team continue to improve the development experience and deliver it to you. Powered by the Python code-insight engine from the PyCharm IDE, Datalore now has two new features for better code editing: inspections and quick-fixes. In addition, Datalore now supports even more plotting libraries  thanks to improved output presentation. Read on for more details.


Code inspections detect various errors and imperfections in your code and highlight them right in the editor. Powered by PyCharm’s code analyzer, Datalore now can perform more than 70 different types of checks on your code. When the analyzer encounters code that can be improved, the corresponding piece of code is underlined yellow in the editor; when the code is erroneous, the underline is red. Hover over the underline to see the error message.


Inspections detect the errors in your code. In most cases, those errors can be fixed automatically with quick-fixes – automatic fixes that can be applied to the code with a simple shortcut. Just press Alt+Enter on the error and choose a fix from the popup menu.

Plotting libraries

In the previous update, we shared with you the news about the support of Plotly. Now, with support for dynamic outputs, Datalore can work with any plotting libraries, including custom ones. For example, in notebook outputs, you can embed plots or maps created by libraries like Altair, Bokeh, Folium, and Lets-Plot. The support is now available both in notebooks that are uploaded to the Datalore publishing service and in interactive collaborative notebooks at

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Best regards,

Your Datalore team

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