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Collaborative data science platform for teams

Datalore News Releases

New in Datalore: Cell Redesign, PDF and Python File Export, Embedly Support, Twitter Challenge, and More

For the last month, we’ve been working on implementing a frequent user request to export notebooks into different types of files and to share code on other platforms. You might have also already noticed that the look of the editor has changed a bit. Read on to learn more about the recent updates in Datalore 👇🏻

New in Datalore

Cell redesign and new syntax highlighting

Recently we’ve implemented a cleaner UI for cells in Datalore. Markdown cells, code cells, and their outputs are now easier to distinguish, and the play button and execution time are more findable located on the left of the cell.

Cell redesign

Datalore has got a brand new syntax highlighter, which correctly recognizes all kinds of Python and Kotlin syntax constructs, as well as Jupyter magic commands. Both the light and dark color themes now match those in PyCharm.

Syntax highlighting

However, if you prefer the old theme, simply switch to Classic inside the View menu tab.

Datalore themes

PDF and PY file export

Recently we’ve added support for printing PDF and exporting .py files. This makes it much easier to present reports to your colleagues and professors and to continue working with .py scripts inside PyCharm. You can find both options in the File menu tab inside the editor.

Export Python files

Export Python files

Embed Datalore snippets on Medium, Reddit, Notion, and other websites

Last week, Datalore was registered as an Embedly provider. Now you can create embeds from published notebooks and integrate them into your Medium articles and other places, such as WordPress websites, Reddit, Notion, etc.

Just copy a link to the cell from the published notebook and paste it to your platform.

Embed on Medium

Twitter challenge

This April, we are posting short video tutorials and tips on pandas and NumPy libraries. Follow us on Twitter and take a look at the #HowToDatalore hashtag there.

Other improvements

  • Fixed a bug for the notebook jumping to another users’ active cell during collaboration.
  • We fixed the issue with inputs – now code such as ‘a = input()’ will work correctly in Datalore.
  • Kotlin kernel has been upgraded to v0.9.7 and now provides intelligent code completion.
  • We fixed the issue with non-scrollable Datalore embeds.
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