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What’s New in Datalore Enterprise 2023.6

Hello everyone,

Datalore Enterprise 2023.6 offers an improved UI, introduces OAuth authentication for Snowflake and BigQuery, allows you to export and import database connections in XML-like formats, and brings a number of other improvements and bug fixes.

Upgrade to 2023.6

New Datalore UI

The Datalore UI has been redesigned to give notebooks a simpler, cleaner, and more Zen look. We focused on the notebook canvas, where you do most of your work, tweaking it to make reports look better and simplifying the toolbar. Ready to learn about it in more detail? Check out our dedicated post for a deep dive into the new experience.

OAuth authentication for Snowflake and BigQuery

With this release, establishing a connection to your Snowflake or BigQuery databases is now simpler thanks to OAuth authentication. We added this feature to ensure the security of your database connections and save you time and effort when connecting to them.

Just choose OAuth as your authentication method, provide your database credentials, including client ID and client secret, and then click Test Connection. An icon in your SQL cell will keep you informed about the authentication status, and you can reauthorize with a click if needed. 

OAuth authentication for BigQuery in Datalore

Ability to export and import database connections in XML-like formats

Having a clear and standardized way to share database connections is crucial. Now you can easily export and import these connections directly to the clipboard using an XML-like format. This format ensures smooth data sharing and backup, and it is compatible with JetBrains IDEs. 

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • The sessions for each data source start automatically as soon as the machine starts up.
  • Exporting a database connection for certain databases no longer results in a status code 500 error. 
  • The databases can now be selected automatically when the notebook is shared.
  • The Lets-Plot library is supported for air-gapped environments.
  • The machine type is now updated after you use the toggle in the Machines dialog.
  • Non-Python dataframes can also be downloaded as CSV files.

Not yet leveraging Datalore in your team? Talk to our experts to discuss how Datalore can benefit your data workflows.

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This is our final release of the year, and we’re excited for what lies ahead. We’re already working on the next wave of improvements.

To stay up to date on new features in Datalore, subscribe to our blog and follow us on X (formerly Twitter).

Thank you for your continued support!

Kind regards,

The Datalore team

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