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Unterstützen Sie Python mit JetBrains und PyCharm

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Do you know how much it costs to maintain a global-scale open-source project like Python? Excluding several hours that contributors put (free) into developing the language itself, in 2021 alone, the Python Software Foundation (PSF) spent almost 2 million Dollars to provide the structure and stability that the Python language, its contributors, and its users need to thrive.

Python is free software and the PSF is a non-profit organization. One could wonder where all this money comes from. You can find details and financial statements on their 2021 annual report, but, in a nutshell, sponsorships and donations represent a big slice of this pie.

If you love Python as much as we do, you’ll like the news. For the fourth year in a row, JetBrains is joining the PSF for its end-of-year fundraiser. This partnership has already raised over USD 75,000 to support Python and is back in 2022 with a sweet deal for you:

Buy a PyCharm Pro subscription at 30% OFF, have the full amount of your purchase donated to the PSF, and get a complimentary one-year subscription for DataSpell as our treat!

This is a great opportunity to get yourself more productive while supporting the PSF on their mission to improve Python, the PyPI package repository, and to maintain their worldwide grant program that supports initiatives like local Python conferences, PyLadies and Django Girls workshops, outreach and education programs, and more.

But you need to run! The campaign ends on November 22, 2022!

I want to support Python

*This promotion is valid for new, individual, and annual PyCharm Professional subscriptions. More details can be found on the campaign’s page.

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