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Fleet Preview update 1.14 includes UI-related changes and more

The second Fleet Preview update in 2023 is available for download. The following are some of the most noteworthy changes:

  • A bug that caused code syntax highlighting to flicker during rename refactoring has been fixed. The highlighting should now be preserved.
  • The ability to have up to 2 side panels on each side of Fleet’s main window has been added. It makes Fleet UI more flexible and provides more options when you need them.
  • UI sharpness with fractional scaling has been improved, e.g. with high DPI on many Windows systems and when UI is zoomed to a non-integer factor.
  • A new editor.centerEditorHorizontally option has been added. This centers the editor horizontally. To use this option set it to true in settings.json. This can be particularly useful on wide screens.
  • Python: a bug that caused Fleet to constantly consume a single CPU core with some Python projects has been fixed. 
  • Java: a problem where setting Maven home did not work, specifically on Windows, has been resolved.
  • Node.js: a bug where the specified Node.js executable was not used for running JavaScript has been fixed.
  • Kotlin: lexer and parser have been updated to the latest Kotlin 1.8.0 version. Read more about what’s new in Kotlin 1.8.0.

But that’s not all. See the full release notes for more details about all of the latest updates.

Please report any issues to our issue tracker, and stay tuned for the upcoming announcements.

To download the update, check your Toolbox App and install version 1.14.

PS. Plugins support and plugins API is a work in progress.

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