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News Releases

Fleet 1.31: Improved Markdown Experience, Additional Run Configuration Macros, Support for Vitest, and More

Fleet 1.31 is now available! Explore our latest release, which introduces many new features designed to improve your development experience. You can update to this latest version using the Toolbox App. Let’s take a closer look at the highlights of this update.

New features

  • Fleet 1.31 comes with an improved Markdown experience. Now, Fleet supports Markdown preview, syntax highlighting, and code completion. Check out the documentation to learn more about Markdown support in Fleet.
Fleet 1.31: Markdown preview
  • JetBrains Fleet provides a number of built-in macros, which are variables that you can use to specify various paths, options, and other command-line arguments for external tools and run configurations. In the newest version, we’ve added more run configuration macros and additional macro-related features.
  • Fleet 1.31 also brings support for the @Preview annotation that was introduced in the latest version of Compose Multiplatform in Desktop and Common code. The @Preview annotation can be applied without parameters to @Composable functions. For more details, read the Compose Multiplatform blog post.
Fleet 1.31: Compose Multiplatform preview
  • We’ve added syntactic support for requirements.txt, which means Fleet now detects this file and can highlight the relevant syntax.
Fleet 1.31: syntactic support for requirement.txt


  • With Fleet 1.31, you can now easily copy text from notifications popups.
Fleet 1.31: coopy text from notifications popup

Bug fixes

The following bugs have been successfully fixed:

See the full release notes for more details about the 1.31 update.

Please report any issues you encounter to our issue tracker on YouTrack and stay tuned for further exciting announcements.

P.S. Support for plugins and plugin APIs is a work in progress, but the list of installed (bundled) plugins is now available and visible to everyone. To view it, simply select Plugins in the Actions menu.

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