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Fleet 1.34 is Out With AI Code Completion for Python and Kotlin, Smooth Caret Animation, Force Step Into, and Many More Improvements

Fleet 1.34 is now available! Explore our latest release, which introduces many new features designed to improve your development experience. You can update to this latest version using the Toolbox App.

Let’s take a closer look at the highlights of this update.

Download Fleet 1.34

New features

  • We’re excited to introduce AI code completion for Python and Kotlin! The new gray-text code completion, powered by JetBrains’ own model, provides great performance and accuracy. To explore the code completion feature, select AI Assistant from the Tools menu or invoke an AI-powered action from the Actions menu. Log in with your JetBrains account if needed. You can also start a free JetBrains AI trial (no credit card required).
Fleet 1.34: AI code completion
  • We’ve added the Force Step Into action to Fleet. This action lets you debug methods defined in the APIs or libraries. If the source code of the API or library is not available, Fleet decompiles and debugs it for you.
  • You can now enable relative line numbering. Open Settings, go to Appearance, and you’ll find the Line numbers drop-down menu where you can choose between On, Off, and Relative.
Fleet 1.34: Synchronized scrolling Markdown preview
  • Fleet already supported syntax highlighting for .env files. Starting with Fleet 1.34, .env.* files, such as .env.local, .env.example, etc., are now supported as well.
  • Files can now be configured to end with a new line. To enable this, add insert_final_newline = true to your .editorconfig.


Fleet 1.34: Smooth caret animation
  • We’ve added aliases for programming languages when using the language dialog box. For example, you can now type c# or csharp, and you will find the language you are looking for.
Fleet 1.34: Aliases for programming languages

Bug fixes

We’ve also fixed a number of bugs:

See the full release notes for more details about the 1.34 update.

Please report any issues you encounter to our issue tracker, and stay tuned for further exciting announcements.

P.S. Support for plugins and plugin APIs is a work in progress, but the list of installed (bundled) plugins is now available and visible to everyone. To view it, simply select Plugins in the Actions menu.

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