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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

Features Releases

Announcing Gogland – Brand New Go IDE from JetBrains

Three years ago we at JetBrains made a strategic decision to contribute to go-lang-idea-plugin, the open-source initiative aimed at building an IntellIJ plugin for Go. Over these three years we believe our efforts (3,000 commits in total) have helped rebuild the plugin from the ground up, giving users a more stable, extensible and feature-rich development experience.

Last year we started tracking the number of unique users of the plugin. This number has doubled in the last year alone up to 30K monthly active users. This fact, along with lots of users asking us to bring IntellIJ-like coding experience to Go, convinced us to finally fork go-lang-idea-plugin half a year ago and introduce our own IDE for Go. We assembled a dedicated team to work on improving Go tools support and overall development experience.

Today we announce Gogland, a brand new Go IDE and the latest addition to the IntelliJ family. Though Gogland is still under heavy development, today we’re opening its private EAP (Early Access Program), so you have a chance to become an early Gogland adopter.


For more about Gogland, please visit its official website. Also consider reading the FAQ.

To gain access to early builds of Gogland, please sign up for the EAP.

Note that Gogland is a codename and not the final product name. Send us your name ideas and suggestions!

The Gogland IDE Team

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