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GoLand 2018.3.4 is out!

Download it via Toolbox App, update from an earlier version by using Help | Check for Updates command, or just get a copy from our website.

Download GoLand 2018.3.4

Here’s a list of notable issues this update addresses:

GO-6677 — Code completion works as expected for files with no specified type created via the New | File menu.

GO-6623 — Code completion works correctly with type names for structure fields.

GO-6843, GO-6802, GO-6804 — We fixed several issues that affected usage of conditional breakpoints in the debugger.

GO-6786, GO-6687, GO-6717, GO-6738, GO-6720, GO-6690 — Using Go Modules in GoLand should be smoother as we fixed many issues, ranging from the size of its settings dialog to its ability to work with inspect.sh, and more.

GO-6715 Find Usages results doesn’t include usages of libraries if scope set to Project Files.

Remember that we always appreciate your feedback, so please share it with us here in the comments, on Twitter, or in our issue tracker.

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