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Early Access Program Features

GoLand 2019.2 EAP #3: Improved Default & Darcula Color Schemes, Quick-fixes Based on Change Signature, and More

They say Friday is a bad day to announce anything, but we have GoLand 2019.2 EAP #3 ready for you to try, so why wait? Give it a shot and preview cool things like new quick-fixes based on the Change Signature refactoring, fresh Default and Darcula color schemes, and even better presentation of data in the debugger. And then let us know what you think!

Download GoLand 2019.2 EAP 3

As usual, you can get this new EAP build via the Toolbox App, from the website, or as a snap package (for Linux). Or update right in GoLand – select Automatically check updates for Early Access Program in Preferences / Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

Improved Default & Darcula color schemes

We’re hearing what you’re saying and we see your votes in the bug tracker! The Default and Darcula color schemes available under Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme are adding variety. They are already looking neater (we’ve removed bold!) to help you read, write, and change code faster and more comfortably.

To help you easily tell apart things that look similar semantically, we’re making them look a little different. This includes things such as package names vs variables, built-in code constructions vs your own ones, and type conversions vs function calls. On top of that, methods’ receivers and functions/function calls now have their own colors, too.

Improved Default and Darcula color schemes

New quick-fixes based on Change Signature

The recently introduced Change Signature refactoring is now used to power our quick-fixes! For example, you can press Alt+Enter to automatically infer and add a parameter to the function call, or to add missing return parameters in a signature.

Quick-fixes based on Change Signature refactoring in action

Better presentation of time.Duration and net.IP in the debugger

In addition to better presentation of dates in the debugger we announced with EAP #2, better presentation now affects time.Duration and net.IP types in the Variables pane of the Debugger.

net.IP view in the debugger

Fill Fields action available via Code Completion

To use the Fill Fields action which we introduced in the previous EAP build, you don’t have to use a shortcut: it’s now available via Code Completion as you type.

Using Fill Struct action via code completion


We’ve added validation of slice indices in composite literals! This means that GoLand 2019.2’s editor will warn you that your index must be a non-negative integer constant before you compile your project.

A warning that index must be a non-negative integer constant

Extend Selection now extends the code in a semantically correct way, from line to paragraph, instead of selecting the whole method body.

Improved Extend Selection in action


GO-7495 The Change Signature refactoring doesn’t break variadic arguments anymore.

GO-7519 — GoLand 2019.2 works better with C-type expression validation and does not show incorrect error reports.

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