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Early Access Program Features

GoLand 2019.2 EAP 4: .aappend Postfix Template, Clever Go Modules & dep integration, and improved debugger

Here you are! The fourth early access build is out, and we are hurrying to tell you what we have packed inside for you.

Download GoLand 2019.2 EAP 4

Get this new EAP build via the Toolbox App, from the website, or as a snap package (for Linux). Or update right in GoLand – select Automatically check updates for Early Access Program in Preferences / Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

We love hearing from you! Try this EAP build out and let us know what you think!

Insightful Go Modules & dep Integration

We not only care about filling GoLand with features but we also think that we should help you to spend less time configuring your project or investigating problems around this.

Previously, when you first opened a project that used Go Modules or dep, GoLand disabled GOPATH indexing and showed a notification about enabling Go Modules/dep integration.

In these cases, you could have potentially missed or ignored the notification, and then got the project in a semi-configured state: GOPATH indexing is disabled, Go Modules/dep integration is not enabled.

Now GoLand enables integration automatically. You can always disable the integration manually in Preferences | Go | Go Modules (vgo), if you ever need to.


.aappend Postfix Template

You asked – we delivered! We have added the .aappend Postfix Template which is available under Preferences | Editor | General | Postfix Completion; it can be used to prepend an expression with a built-in append function call and assign its result to this expression.

Remember, you don’t need to wait for us to add new templates. Starting from GoLand 2019.2, you can create your own custom Postfix Templates! If you missed our announcement, you may want to read our short step-by-step tutorial, give it a try, and share your homemade templates with friends, colleagues, the community, or with us. We’d definitely appreciate it.


Result of String() method implementations in the Debugger

The debugger now shows the result of simple String() method implementations in the Variables pane. Currently, it only supports methods with a single return statement without any logic. A returned value from the method can be:

  • a string literal.
  • a receiver field expression.
  • a call to fmt.Sprintf() with a constant format containing only supported verbs and either string literals or receiver field expressions as format arguments.

The supported verbs are: %t, %b, %d, %x, %X, %s, %f, %F, %q, %p without a width, a precision, and an argument index.


Shell Script Run Configuration

Earlier in this EAP 2019.2, we announced Shell Script support. This build brings in the ability to create a Run Configuration to execute a script.


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