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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

Early Access Program Features

GoLand 2020.2 EAP #5 is Here with Problems View and Improved Git Actions Dialogs

You can get this EAP build through the Toolbox App, by downloading it from the website, by using a snap package (for Ubuntu), or from right inside GoLand by selecting “Automatically check updates for Early Access Program” in Preferences / Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates.

The EAP builds are free to use, but they expire within 30 days of the build date.

Download GoLand 2020.2 EAP #1

Also, don’t forget that we regularly release nightly builds based on the latest development code. You can use these nightly builds to get access to the latest features without having to wait for the official EAP announcements. These nightly builds are only available via the Toolbox App.

Problems View

Detecting errors and possible issues and providing easy navigation between them is an important task for the IDE. That’s why at the beginning of the EAP we added the Inspections Widget, which shows the number of warnings, errors, and typos in the current file and lets you navigate through them using the arrow icons there or with the Next Error action (F2).

Today we are introducing yet another feature to assist with this task, the Problems View tool window. This window shows the list of warnings and errors in the current file, gives you a description of those problems, and lets you fix them immediately via Alt+Enter. You can right-click on a problem in the Problems View tool window, and it will take you directly to the line of code where the error occurred. To open Problems View, click on the Inspection Widget or go to View | Tool Window | Problems.



Improved Git actions dialogs

We’ve redesigned the Git dialogs for actions such as Merge, Pull, and Rebase to make them more consistent and informative. We’ve also made it easier to understand which Git command will be executed, and also added the –rebase option to the Pull dialog and the –no-verify option to the Merge dialog.


That’s all for now! Your feedback is an invaluable source of ideas for improvement, so please send us your feature requests via the bug tracker or tweet us @GoLandIDE. Thank you!

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