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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

GoLand Livestreams

Discover the New Productivity Features of GoLand 2020.3 — With a Recording of the Webinar

GoLand 2021.1 will be released soon! Take a look back at the features we delivered to you in the 2020.3 version.

A month ago, our Developer Advocate, Florin Patan, held a webinar about more than 30 newly released features, covering everything from Go to Database, VCS, and web development support.

We’ve prepared the recording for you, in case you didn’t have the chance to attend the webinar that day.

Besides that, you can find a demonstration of Code With Me, our newest collaboration tool that allows up to 20 participants to work on or follow the same project remotely.

If you want to play with the features, you can use the repository with examples that we’ve shared on Github.

If you are interested in a particular feature, feel free to use this timeline to move to the specific topic:

00:00:00​ – Intro

00:06:40​ – New UI for the Welcome Screen

00:07:22​ – Install Plugins from the Welcome Screen

00:07:52​ – Learn the IDE from the Welcome Screen

00:10:30​ – Support for Go 1.16 retract directive

00:11:56​ – Dump goroutines from a running application/test during debugging

00:16:06​ – Go Remote configuration improvements

00:21:16​ – Debugger Inline Watches and inline inspect values

00:23:32​ – Inline Q&A Part 1

00:31:20​ – Run/debug individual subtests in table tests

00:32:43​ – Improved Testify support

00:34:44​ – Printf-style inspections for popular Go packages

00:36:10​ – New inspection to detect lost context cancel function calls

00:39:10​ – Support for time format completion

00:41:50​ – Improved variable shadowing support

00:43:09​ – Generics support

00:44:42​ – Faster test/benchmark/method/interface implementation creation with built-in completion live templates

00:45:36​ – For loop completion in benchmark functions

00:46:00​ – Inline Q&A Part 2

00:46:58​ – Run Inspection By Name

00:47:56​ – Go Modules support improvements

00:49:35​ – Drag and Drop editor tab support and splitting

00:50:40​ – Preview file in a tab feature

00:51:07​ – IDE theme sync with OS theme

00:52:15​ – Search Everywhere can do math now

00:52:42​ – Tailwind CSS support

00:54:53​ – Query MongoDB using SQL

00:58:50​ – Git staging support

00:59:24​ – Improved Kubernetes support

00:59:44​ – Mermaid support in Markdown files

01:00:46​ – Code With Me collaborative editing plugin

01:03:12​ – Final Q&A

01:04:47​ – Outro

01:07:03​ – GoLand EAP and 2021.1 features preview


Throughout the talk, there were a few good questions, so we thought it would be a good idea to share them with you here.

  • Does the EAP support the Embed File features from Go 1.16?

    • Yes, feel free to try it in the GoLand 2021.1 EAP.
  • Does IntelliJ Ultimate + the Go plugin support all features of GoLand or are there any advantages to use both, separately?

    • IntelliJ IDEA + the Go plugin are the same as GoLand Standalone. However, GoLand is somewhat lighter and faster than IDEA as it doesn’t need to carry support for many languages. This could be a reason to use it separately if you don’t need Java support.
  • Are there any plans to implement support for multi-DPI screen setups in Linux? If you have two screens with different DPI (e.g.: FHD and 4K), it doesn’t scale when moving to the other screen.

    • Feel free to vote for this ticket to stay updated.
  • Is there any feature that makes it super easy to deploy to Google App Engine for non-DevoOps engineers?

    • There’s no special support that helps to deploy App Engine applications.
  • Any plan to generate test templates based on the name of the test? Example: test_print.go will be a test for print.go. Can GoLand generate all that is needed to run a simple test?

  • How can I work with 2 projects in one editor?

    • Yes. Go to Navigate to File | Open, select a project and select Attach on popup.

That’s all for today! We always are happy to hear from you! What is your favorite feature of this release? Comment below or tweet us.

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