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A cross-platform Go IDE with extended support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and databases

Early Access Program

The Run Anything Action, Quick-Fix for Grouping Multiple use Directives, and More in GoLand 2022.2 EAP #6

GoLand 2022.2 EAP #6 is available. You can get the EAP build via the Toolbox App, download it from our website, use a snap package for Ubuntu, or from inside GoLand select Check IDE updates for Early Access Program in Preferences / Settings | Appearance & Behavior | System Settings | Updates

Download GoLand 2022.2 EAP

Run Anything 

If you’re a fan of our Search Everywhere action, which can be invoked with a double tap on the (Shift) key, then we think you’re really going to like this one. 

GoLand now supports a Run Anything action that allows you to quickly launch run/debug configurations, applications, scripts, commands, and tasks, as well as open recent projects. Basically, the Run Anything action in GoLand provides the same functionality that it does in other JetBrains IDEs. 

To use it, just press ^ (Ctrl) twice and start typing in the search bar. The IDE will generate suggestions as you type. 

Once you choose a command, Run Anything delegates the subsequent steps to the appropriate tools.

Quick-fix for grouping multiple use directives 

We’ve added a quick-fix that will help you to group multiple use directives in a go.work file into one directive. 

Quick Documentation improvements 

Here are a couple more updates for our Quick Documentation feature. These improvements are particularly helpful for anyone who is just getting started with Go. You can trigger Quick Documentation by hovering over an item or placing the caret on it and pressing F1 (Ctrl+Q on Windows/Linux).   

Empty interface

We’ve added information about what empty interfaces are. 

Type aliasing and type definition

There are now tooltips with details about type definition and type aliasing. 

Addition of loong64 to the Arch list 

Go 1.19 is introducing a new architecture – loong64. We’ve added it to our Arch list in Preferences/Settings | Go | Build Tags & Vendoring

Copy Docker Image 

You can now easily copy images from one Docker daemon to another using the new Copy Docker Image action, which saves the image to a file and then pushes it to the chosen connection.

Import of trusted SSL certificates

GoLand can now help you import trusted SSL certificates from system trust stores. It will automatically use the custom certificates specific to your enterprise environment. You don’t need to perform any additional actions. Everything should work right out of the box. 

Notable bug fixes

GO-8614 – The language injection bug related to the // language=<language_ID> comment has been fixed. GoLand now injects language only when a comment is placed directly above a string literal or above an expression or statement that contains a single string literal. 

That’s it for today! As always, your feedback and comments are much appreciated! Get in touch with us on Twitter, leave your comments here, open an issue in our tracker, or drop us a message in the Gophers Slack #goland channel. Thanks!

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