
Blog Tuning

It’s now about three months since the IntelliJ IDEA blog was started. So, we decided to update it a little bit. We hope you’ll like the new color schema. But that’s not all. We also improved navigation (yes, now we have that “back-to-home” link on all the pages and the blog title is also a link to home).
Furthermore, now there is a registration. So, if you want to write your own IntelliJ IDEA tip or how-to, you are welcome. For writing posts we provided the standard WordPress interface. Of course, the posts will be moderated (nobody wants this blog to be filled up with spam).
Finally, we added “friendly” blogs to our blogroll. Everyone who is blogging about Java in general and IntelliJ IDEA in particular can send us a link to the personal blog using the “Share your knowledge” text box on the right side bar.
Welcome and enjoy the new look-and-feel! ;-)

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