
JavaDay Recap

This weekend JetBrains attended the popular JavaDay conference at Cagliari, Italian island of Sardinia. I had a presentation titled “Productive Java from Start to Finish,” though I didn’t quite get to the ‘finish’ in the 45 minute time limit. I was just getting to the good parts when I saw the time-keeper hold up a sign saying “5 minutes” remaining. Oops! Well, at least I learned a lot, this being my second live presentation so far. (The first one was done too fast, ironically; have to find a happy medium.)

Thanks to Fabrizio Gianneschi (Java User Group Sardegna), who organized the event. Check out the photos here and here. There’s one with me in the middle with Fabricio and Roman Strobl (NetBeans evangelist) on the sunny Saturday afternoon. Did I mention the weather was fantastic, even for Cagliari in November?

There were some interesting presentations (luckily the slides were mostly in English) on ‘agent oriented programming’ with the JADE framework and at least two presentations regarding robotics and Lego Mindstorms, which I think is pretty cool, plus many more topics.

One of the highlights of the event for me was the dinner with Fabricio, Roman, Marco Colombo (Sun, Italy), and Giovanni Marciano (IRRE Piemonte). Incredible seafood, great conversation, and a waiter who sang and played guitar while we waited for our fish (he was busy entertaining us, after all!). Oh yes, and something called Mirto, to cap off the night.

Overall, I think it was a very successful event.

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