
Did You Know That…

This post is short story made up of a little bit about everything. Miscellaneous facts, tips and news.

  • If you’re still wondering what Java IDE is more reliable, read the article Why IntelliJ IDEA Will Always Win. It compares two major Java IDE from the point of support quality.
  • Reading this substantial comparison of IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse can also give you some insight on what IDE to choose for this or that purpose. For me the surprising point is that its author considers IntelliJ IDEA outperforms Eclipse in the field of plugin management.
  • There are more that 600 various Code Inspections in IntelliJ IDEA. Now you can View the Full Code Inspections List with detailed descriptions.
  • You can inspect your code either with IntelliJ IDEA, or try server-side inspection with TeamCity
  • Live Rails Demo was updated and now includes a bit of DBhelper plugin for better datasource handling.
  • To have a break from your daily work you might want to check out this new TechnoRhymes Blog. Read about the things around Java with a bit of humor.
Technorati tags: IntelliJ, IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, Ruby on Rails, Eclipse
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