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Live Webinar: Refactoring with IntelliJ IDEA

Join us Thursday, June 16th, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EDT (New York) / 18:00 – 19:00 CEST (Berlin) (check other time zones) for our free live webinar Refactoring with IntelliJ IDEA, featuring Bill Wake, a senior consultant with Industrial Logic and an author for several books, on XP, refactoring and design patterns.

In this webinar Bill will refactor the Gilded Rose application using IntelliJ IDEA, with its great refactoring tools and coding assistant capabilities. Along the way, you’ll learn some handy IntelliJ IDEA techniques. In this session, you’ll see the Paradox of Duplication in action: increasing duplication can make it easier to remove duplication. Throughout, we’ll show how tests and good habits make it safe to make substantial changes in code.

You’ll see several fundamental refactorings:

  • Restructuring if Statements – to improve control flow
  • Extract Method – to improve readability
  • Change Signature – to change how objects communicate
  • Move Method – to rebalance code between objects

At the end of the webinar, you’ll have an opportunity to access Industrial Logic’s eLearning platform to download the problem code, try the kata and get immediate feedback on your performance with our automated programming critique.

Register now!

Speaking to you

Bill WakeBill is best known in the Agile community as the creator of the the INVEST model for user stories and the Arrange-Act-Assert guideline for unit tests. He has been an author for several books, on XP, refactoring and design patterns. You can follow him on Twitter – @wwake

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