
Java Annotated Monthly – October 2017

Java 9 is here! At long last. This month we have lots of Java 9 content, of course, but that’s actually not the only Big News: not only is Java EE 8 also now available, but we can look forward to a new release of Java every six months. So we’re celebrating Java 9, but we’re already anticipating Java 10. It might not even be called Java 10…


Java 9

Java 9 is out at last! In this section we have links to articles about the release, tutorials and reference documentation for some of the main features, and some commentary on the release and its features.

Beyond Java 9

Yes, already… and the future is much closer than you thought!


Despite all the Java 9 noise, there were a number of excellent non-Java-9 articles and tutorials this month, although even these have occasional nods to new functionality in Java 9.


I get a lot of my Android news from the excellent Android Weekly newsletter, where they link to a much wider range of Android articles than I do, so it’s well worth subscribing if Android is your thing.

Languages, Frameworks and Libraries

The other big news was the release of Java EE 8 at last too, as well as more news on its move to Open Source.  RebelLabs also released their annual productivity report, which shouldn’t be ignored even despite all the other Java noise, particularly since it contains good news for JetBrains and our users.



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And Finally

News and topics from the IntelliJ IDEA blog that you may have missed:

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