
Java Annotated Monthly – June 2018

No really big Java news this month, but plenty of good articles to help us to improve as developers and as team members.  There’s how-tos for Java 8, 9 and 10, some presentations from conferences earlier in the year, and a smattering of design, architecture and culture information.



The faster release cadence means all the different versions of Java that are current production-ready are just going to be in the plain ol’ Java section from now on.  There’s still plenty of Java 8 how-tos coming out, more information about how to use Java 9 features now people are using them in anger, and “var” is still causing discussion.

Languages, Frameworks and Libraries

This month this section is “stuff that’s Java-related but not in the SDK”.


SOLID never goes out of fashion in OO circles, and it’s always worth re-reminding ourselves of the fundamentals.


I like to be able to put articles that aren’t just about code here, so expect to see a Culture section pop up more often.


As usual, JetBrains will be at a number of events in June, either with a booth, a talk, or sometimes both! Looks like the week of 11th June in particular is pretty busy for everyone.

And Finally

News and topics from the IntelliJ IDEA blog that you may have missed:

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