
Java Annotated Monthly – October 2019

Wow, what a bumper month!  Summer is well and truly over and we are Being Productive!  This month’s edition is absolutely huge and I didn’t even do any particular research for the newsletter, there was just a lot of interesting stuff kicking around. Of course we have Java 13, and I’ve added two new sections, career advice and testing. Not testing your career, although that would be really useful too. There are also a lot of Spring Boot tutorials because I’ve been leaning on Google a lot this month for my live coding demo for Spring One Platform in Austin next week. Set aside some serious time for this edition!


Java News

Java 13 came out in September. It’s another short term release, but it does mean that if you were on Java 12 your JDK is no longer supported and you should upgrade to 13. If you’re on Java 11 or 8 watch my video (last link below) to understand some of the questions you should be asking in order to decide whether to upgrade,

Java Tutorials & Tips

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies

I’ve been researching my new live demo for Spring One Platform which is all about reactive Spring Boot with RSocket, and JavaFX.  As such, this Frameworks & Libraries section is heavy on Spring and Spring Boot topics. Many of these are not new, but if you’re interested in getting started there’s a lot of good stuff here.


This month I’ve collected a whole bunch of testing articles for some reason, so it gets a section of its own.

Career and Development

There’s too much great career advice to go into the “and all this was interesting too” section that is Culture and Community this month, so it also gets its own section.

Culture & Community

I delivered my Reading Code talk last month and have some more resources from the research of that to add to this month’s issue. I’ll be giving the talk again in London this week, so I should be able to post the video of it soon.

And Finally

A chance to catch up on the other IntelliJ IDEA blog posts from this month. Note that the big thing for us at the moment is the upcoming 2019.3 release, which is focused on performance and quality. I love that we’re working on a quality marathon, because marathons require quite a different mindset to sprints.

If you have any interesting or useful Java / JVM news to share via Java Annotated Monthly, leave a comment or drop me a message via Twitter.

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