
Java Annotated Monthly – September 2020

September’s here, and that means back to work, back to school. Or not. It feels like the world is applying a lot of wishful thinking and behaving as if everything is going back to normal. With so much uncertainty right now, it’s a tempting approach for sure.

Anyway this is supposed to be about Java. This month we have another huge edition for you, and it includes the inevitable look at Java 15, a bunch of news about Java 16, articles and videos on testing, Java / Jakarta EE, and Java libraries.

Java Annotated Monthly Logo with coffee mug and JetBrains logo

Java News

Java 15 is coming out on the 15 September, which means Java 16 is already under development.

Java Tutorials & Tips

Languages, Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies

Conferences and Events

Culture & Community

And Finally

A round up of blog posts and videos from IntelliJ IDEA and JetBrains. August was a huge month for blogs and videos! Shouldn’t we have been on holiday?!

If you have any interesting or useful Java / JVM news to share via Java Annotated Monthly, leave a comment or drop me a message via Twitter.

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