IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA – the IDE for Professional Development in Java and Kotlin
Java Annotated Monthly – September 2020
September’s here, and that means back to work, back to school. Or not. It feels like the world is applying a lot of wishful thinking and behaving as if everything is going back to normal. With so much uncertainty right now, it’s a tempting approach for sure.
Anyway this is supposed to be about Java. This month we have another huge edition for you, and it includes the inevitable look at Java 15, a bunch of news about Java 16, articles and videos on testing, Java / Jakarta EE, and Java libraries.
Java News
Java 15 is coming out on the 15 September, which means Java 16 is already under development.
- Inside Java 15: Fourteen JEPs in five buckets
- Records and Pattern Matching for Instanceof Finalized in JDK 16 – This means these features may be available in Java 17, which should be the next Long Term Support release.
- Finalizing in JDK 16 – Pattern matching for instanceof – Or, wait. I think Brian is saying that actually some changes are needed for "pattern matching for instanceof"?
- A peek at the roadmap for pattern matching and more – from Brian Goetz
- Don’t Panic: Oracle announces new Java OCP 11 Exam! – I found the current certification landscape a little confusing, maybe this will simplify the situation
- foojay: A Place for Friends of OpenJDK – a new place to find information about Java, sponsored by Azul.
On the Performance of User-Mode Threads and Coroutines – remember that is another new place to get Java news, straight from Oracle.
A peek at the roadmap for pattern matching.
— Java (@java) August 24, 2020
Java Tutorials & Tips
- 21 Books Java Developers Should Read in 2020 – did I add this because the list includes my book? Yes, yes I did.
- DZone Refcard #200: Java Performance Optimization – downloadable PDF. Look, to be honest, most applications don’t need optimisations, at least not in the places you think. But it’s always helpful to know these tips just in case
- How 4 lines of Java code end up in 518772 lines in production. – "Taking good care of our code is not always enough—we should also keep an eye on our dependencies as they play a huge role in our applications."
- For the Record – a look at Records (using IntelliJ IDEA of course!).
- The joy of writing command-line utilities: Finding duplicate files, Part 1 – I like a) that this is an example of a small but very helpful program that anyone can build and b) it uses new File IO, which it’s actually quite hard to find good examples for
- Beginning JavaFX Applications with IntelliJ IDE – I’m tempted to use this tutorial by Carl Dea as the basis for a video, thoughts?
- JDK16 javac xlint Warning about Default Constructors
- The Silent Villains of the Coding Universe: A Review of Anti-Patterns – a bunch of Java anti-patterns you’ll probably recognise from applications you’ve worked on
- Microservices for Java EE/Jakarta EE Developers – article about how relevant Java EE is in a microservices world
Languages, Frameworks, Libraries and Technologies
- Eclipse Collections 10.3 Released – this is not just a release announcement, but an interesting post on the status of the project, and a call for contributors (if you were inspired by Marit’s talk to contribute to an open source project, this is an option).
- The Impact of Continuous Delivery – in depth article about the advantages of CD written by Dave Farely, author of the Continuous Delivery book (and my old boss). Also subscribe to Dave’s YouTube channel, he has some very informative videos. I learnt a LOT working with Dave and I would love to see more people benefit from his wisdom.
- Related to the above: Explaining the Benefits of Continuous Delivery to your Manager (video) – also by Dave Farley
- IntelliJ Keyboard Shortcuts to Swear By – whole bunch of useful shortcuts. You might also be interested in our latest video on Top 5 IntelliJ IDEA Navigation Shortcuts
- Getting started with JavaFX on Raspberry Pi
- Kotlin: How JetBrains created Google’s preferred Android programming language – interview with Hadi Hariri (my boss)
- The State of Spring 2020 – leave your email address to download a PDF
- The 101: Spring Boot and Angular Deployment – I wish I’d had this a couple of years ago when I was writing a Spring Boot/Angular app!
- Kotlin Cookbook in other countries, Reactive Spring, and a few random thoughts – I don’t really know which section to put this into. In this edition of his newsletter, Ken talks about async/reactive in a useful way, and also talks about how you’re not going to make any money from writing books. Thanks Ken, that totally justifies me not getting around to writing my book.
- Test Automation Unlocked with Angie Jones – podcast/YouTube video of an interview with Angie Jones
- Beyond the simple: An in-depth look at JUnit 5’s nested tests, dynamic tests, parameterized tests, and extensions – article by Juliette de Rancourt and Matthias Merdes which looks at some of my favourite features from JUnit 5. Coincidentally, we just published a video on JUnit 5?
- Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 – we also recently published a blog post and video on migrating to JUnit 5
I’m still using Spock in my company and loving it, it’s convenient for data driven testing. JUnit5 is not far behind, but in my opinion has still some way to go. Check out my article for a comparison between them, albeit somewhat outdated now:
— Maria Michou (@maria_michou) September 3, 2020
Conferences and Events
- JDK Certifications : What ISVs Need to Navigate the Java Runtime Landscape – 9 September, webinar hosted by Azul
- Oracle Developer Live—Java – 15 Sep (Americas) and 17 Sep (everyone else)
- Live Webinar: Developing Micronaut Applications With IntelliJ IDEA – 18 September, webinar hosted by us, JetBrains
- Conference – 30 September (timezone is US/EU-friendly). Some big names in the lineup.
- Hacktoberfest presented by DigitalOcean and DEV – contribute to Open Source in October
Culture & Community
- Chronic stress and endless hours: Were we ready to work from home? – article about the situation here in Spain, but should be familiar to many (en español)
- The 6-foot social-distancing rule is based on nearly 80-year-old science – "Scientists at MIT and Oxford have created a traffic-light system to use instead." (en español)
- The Impact of Toxic Influencers on Communities – very interesting and detailed article about toxic influencers, how they can kill communities, how to spot them, and some ideas on what to do about them
- Do’s and Don’ts of Technical Interviews – particularly useful if you’re new to the industry. Some advice may seem hard to follow ("Dress appropriately, but it’s okay to wear something that still represents you" – what does that meeeeean????), but overall remember this may be a numbers game, like dating – you may have to go to a lot of interviews until you find the company that fits you best.
- Dear Google Cloud: Your Deprecation Policy is Killing You – very interesting
- Kinesys Advantage2 – Review after three years of use – I’m definitely not brave enough to try out a radically different keyboard
- ‘Real’ Programming Is an Elitist Myth – "Code culture can be solipsistic and exhausting. Programmers fight over semicolon placement and the right way to be object-oriented or functional or whatever else will let them feel in control and smarter and more economically safe"
- Once Upon A Term Sheet: 5 Fairytale VC Tactics As Taught By Toddlers – this resonated with me mostly because my toddlers and their television take up a large part of my life
- Wish list for onboarding remote employees – useful
- Rethinking Your Annual Performance Review Process – lots of links and data
- Mutant algorithms – on the recent, um, "interesting" time the UK just had with students’ exam results, and the blame placed upon algorithms.
- On all that… (CW: racist, sexist, transphobic, hateful language and online abuse) – hurts to read more stories about people being targeted for abuse, but I feel I have to remind myself it’s still happening far too frequently (i.e. more than zero times)
The code underpinning the Brazilian healthcare system—and other world-changing Java applications
Software engineering pioneer Margaret Hamilton, who led NASA’s in-flight software team for the Apollo mission, was born #OTD in 1936.
Image: NASA— Robert McNees (@mcnees) August 17, 2020
Today marks 75 years since #WWII came to an end. Last week, I got to sit down with Nancy Tipton who was a cryptanalyst in Washington DC at the time. She and other “Code Girls” worked on Japanese code. Thank you to her and all the other women whose stories are now being shared!
— Sarah Bingham (@SarahMBingham) September 3, 2020
And Finally
A round up of blog posts and videos from IntelliJ IDEA and JetBrains. August was a huge month for blogs and videos! Shouldn’t we have been on holiday?!
- Getting Started with Datalore: Quick Tour – our "Online Data Science Notebook with smart coding assistance"
- Kotlin 1.4 Released with a Focus on Quality and Performance
- Alt+Enter – the magic problem-solving shortcut
- The Java Developer Advocacy team (me, Mala and Helen) published a lot of videos (don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel to be notified of our weekly videos):
- The recording of the Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond webinar is available.
- There were loads of IntelliJ IDEA blog posts, and not just from the three advocates, this is a subset:
- Helen has also written a bunch of great blog posts on our JetBrains Technology Day for Java talks. If you’re looking for the videos and further information, that’s where you’ll find it.
- Don’t forget to sign up for September’s live webinar: Developing Micronaut Applications With IntelliJ IDEA
If you have any interesting or useful Java / JVM news to share via Java Annotated Monthly, leave a comment or drop me a message via Twitter.