News Releases

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3 Is Available

The new bug-fix release is out! Check out the most notable improvements of IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.3!

You can upgrade to this new version from the IDE, with the Toolbox App, or using snaps if you are an Ubuntu user. It is also available for download from our website.

  • Fixed antialiasing for the editor [IDEA-209384]
  • Fixed the loss of the Path from root value after IntelliJ IDEA restarts [IDEA-238233]
  • Fixed incorrect focus when navigating to a file [IDEA-247358]
  • Fixed erroneous behavior when canceling project loading [IDEA-235329]
  • Fixed database connection configurations to apply the selected SSH tunnel [IDEA-247277]
  • The Search Everywhere popup no longer opens partially offscreen [IDEA-230328]
  • Fixed automatic navigation to code with errors when building a Java project with Gradle [IDEA-189043]
  • Fixed undesired focus when a build fails [IDEA-246750]
  • Fixed the import of BuildSrc classes when building a project with Gradle [IDEA-248111]
  • Fixed the behavior of the Enter key when the cursor is on a module source or content root [IDEA-249246]
  • Fixed the bug causing the IDETalk plugin to fail to initialize in IntelliJ IDEA [IDEA-240141]
  • Fixed the erroneous “Redundant suppression” warning [IDEA-248205]

You can find the full list of changes in the release notes. If you have any suggestions or concerns, please post them to our issue tracker or comment on this article.

Happy developing!

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