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Java Annotated Monthly – February 2022
Welcome to the February edition of Java Annotated – our monthly collection of the latest JVM-related news and updates!

Java News
- Java’s Plans for 2022 – An update on Java’s four key projects: Valhalla, Panama, Loom, and Amber.
Java Tutorials & Tips
- Java sockets I/O: blocking, non-blocking and asynchronous – Aliaksandr Liakh describes the theoretical and practical differences between non-blocking and asynchronous sockets I/O operations in Java.
- Lies, Damned Lies, and Microbenchmarks – Cay Horstmann’s polemic on the blog post “Where Modern Java 17 Loses to Java 8”.
- What’s in a Good Error Message? – Gunnar Morling explains three significant pieces of information that help you diagnose what exactly went wrong.
- Maintaining a medium-sized Java library in 2022 and beyond – a medium-sized ebook written by Michael Simons.
- Understanding Java Compilation: From Bytecodes to Machine Code in the JVM – the roots of Write Once, Run Anywhere explained by Simon Ritter.
- Annotation-free Spring – Nicolas Frankel shows how to remove annotations. Additionally, you can read about the Spring Transactional annotation on Vlad Mihalcea’s blog, and check out Jailson Evora’s post on annotations.
- Where to use Optional – is it OK to use `Optional` as a parameter type? Nicolai Parlog explains the problem in his latest webcast.
- Treat security as a risk – risk management is a serious game. Nicolas Frankel evangelizes on security in this blog post. Brian Vermeer has also recently written about security, too. Read about how he was hacked.
- GlucoStatusFX – rewriting the GlucoTracker Swift app to Java with Gerrit Grunwald.
- Our Journey with Quarkus – Hemankita Perabathini from the IBM team shares why they found Quarkus was the smartest solution for their company.
- Debugging RAM: Java Garbage Collection – Shai Almog has started a new blog post series about Java memory usage. Check it out!
- How to write EXISTS subqueries with JPA and Hibernate – if you are not familiar with SemiJoins, Vlad Mihalcea’s blog post is written just for you.
- Getting Started With JPA/Hibernate – a complete tutorial for beginners, by Alejandro Duarte.
- Two blog posts on AWS Java Lambda by Gunter Rotsaert – how to start with and secure the AWS API.
- Polyglot Cloud Native Debugging – in this blog, Shai Almog expands on the topic that has monopolized his conference talks recently.
- Optimization Techniques Using Java Streams – facing the explosion of big data analysis with Manu Barriola.
Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, and Technologies
- GCGC – a tool for visualizing Java Garbage Collector logs is now open-sourced.
- [podcast] A Bootiful Podcast: Juergen Hoeller – Josh Long interviews the Spring Framework co-founder and project lead.
- This Week in Spring – January 25th, 2022 – a ton of Spring stuff carefully collected and annotated by Josh Long.
- The new AWS SDK for Kotlin with Coroutines support – the TL;DR notes on how to get started with the new AWS SDK for Kotlin, by Anton Arhipov.
- IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 EAP and IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3.2 – try out the new features and help to improve the IDE.
- JCEF – a simple framework for embedding Chromium-based browsers in other applications using Java.
- Jakarta EE8, EE9, EE9.1. …. What??? – Version 10 is just around the corner. What does this mean for your Java project? Ralph Soika is shedding some light on the platform.
Conferences and Events
- FOSDEM’22 – a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate (check out the Friends of OpenJDK devroom lineup!). Held on February 5–6, 2022.
- The state of Java in 2022 – webinar by Rudy De Busscher, Simon Ritter, and Pratik Patel. Held on February 10, 2022.
- Voxxed Days Australia – February 15, 2022, in Melbourne and February 17, 2022, in Sydney.
- ConFoo Montreal – a multi-technology conference for developers, online, February 23–25, 2022.
- Snow One – a content-first Java conference from Siberia, online/Novosibirsk, February 25–26, 2022.
That’s all for now.I hope you find this collection of articles interesting and thought-provoking. If you’d like to help us make Java Annotated Monthly shinier, send us an email ( or reach me on Twitter. Talk to you in March!
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