
New LiveStream: Pact Contract Testing for Quarkus

Updated on 28/07/2023.

On July 27, 2023, we hosted our IntelliJ IDEA LiveStream with Holly Cummins about Pact contract testing for Quarkus.

Session abstract

Every time you change one microservice, others break. But you had unit tests! What’s going on? Unfortunately, unit tests aren’t enough to give system-level confidence, even with a microservices architecture.

What’s the solution? Integration testing is annoying, expensive, flaky, and fries your laptop. Remocal development environments are complex to manage. Testing in production is important, but the feedback loop is longer, so it’s not a substitute for local inner-loop testing.

This is where contract tests come into play. Contract tests combine the lightness of unit tests with the confidence of integration tests, and they should be part of your development toolkit. This session will demo how to use the Pact contract testing framework to catch integration issues early. The demos will be run on Quarkus, but Pact runs on all Java frameworks. Pact has libraries for almost all of the popular programming languages.

Asking questions

Holly will try to answer all of your questions during the session. If we run out of time, we’ll post the answers to any remaining questions in a follow-up blog post. We’ll do our best to get all of your questions answered.

Your speaker and host


Holly Cummins

Holly Cummins

Holly Cummins is a Senior Principal Engineer at Red Hat. She works on the Quarkus team, with a focus on the Quarkus ecosystem. Before joining Red Hat, Holly was a cloud consultant, where she realized how important contract testing is while working with client microservices.

Speaker Twitter handle:

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Mala Gupta

A Java Champion and JUG leader, Mala has authored multiple books with Manning, Packt, and O’Reilly Publications.  An international speaker at industry conferences, she has more than two decades of experience in the software industry. She has been actively supporting Java certification as a path to career advancement.


Happy developing!

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