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A concise multiplatform language developed by JetBrains

Community Events

KotlinConf 2018 – Call for Papers

If you haven’t heard, KotlinConf 2018 is taking place in Amsterdam, October 3rd-5th!

With just over 2 weeks left for the Call for Papers to close, this is your chance to share your Kotlin knowledge and story with the community at the Kotlin event of the year!

Topics we’d love to hear about

  • Kotlin/Native. Whether you’re targeting iOS, creating native applications for macOS, Windows, Linux, or even targeting embedded.
  • Multiplatform and code sharing.
  • Asynchronous and Concurrent Programming.
  • Frameworks and Libraries in Kotlin.

Of course, these are just some of the topics. We also want to know about

  • Server Side Development
  • Web Development
  • Desktop Development
  • IoT Development
  • Scripting Language
  • Data Science
  • Ops (Build, CI, Monitoring, etc..)
  • Functional/Reactive Programming
  • Kotlin in the Enterprise
  • Mobile Development (Android and iOS)
  • Case Studies

There’s a story in everyone

Remember, you don’t necessarily have to have invented or done something completely new or unique to talk about it. The beauty of sharing what you’re doing is that we each have our own perspective, our own stories. And KotlinConf is as much of a place to learn new things as it is about sharing experiences.

The call for papers closes on the 20th April, so submit today

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