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Kotlin 1.5 online event

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The first major release of 2021 is here! Let’s celebrate the occasion together at the Kotlin 1.5 Online Event, where the team will answer your questions about the recent updates and anything else Kotlin-related.

Join us May 25 at 4:00 pm CEST. 

More information about the event, the Reddit AMA, how to post questions, and how to win a t-shirt can be found below. 


What are we preparing for you?

After the last Kotlin event, we received lots of feedback saying that the Q&A sessions are the most interesting and useful. That is why this time we will mostly focus on answering your questions.

We will live stream the event on our YouTube channel. Two of our developer advocates – Svetlana Isakova and Sebastian Aigner – will host the show, opening it with highlights of what’s new in Kotlin 1.5.0 and speaking with Roman Elizarov about the future of Kotlin. Join in to listen to this and other interesting conversations!

How to participate in the event Q&A and the Reddit AMA

To make the most of the event, send your questions to the team in advance. You can do this while registering for the event, or you can post them on Twitter using our hashtag #kotlin15ask. A YouTube Live chat will be available as well. So even if you don’t have anything to ask now, you will still be able to post questions as they come to you during the stream.

We will try to cover all pre-posted and live questions. If there are any unanswered questions at the end of the event, we will go through them during the Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on May 27–28 on Reddit. The team will also answer new questions that are raised there. To receive notifications about the AMA, check the box in the registration form or join on the r/Kotlin subreddit.

Additional materials and raffle

Check out our release materials to learn more about Kotlin 1.5.0 and to get inspiration for your questions:

  1. The Kotlin 1.5.0 release blog post and what’s new page.
  2. The 1.5.0 Release playlist on YouTube, with a number of videos explaining the most significant updates in Kotlin 1.5.0. Subscribe to our channel, as more Kotlin 1.5.0 videos will be released soon.

We will give away 10 Kotlin t-shirts to participants who send their questions to us in advance. The winners will be announced during the event, and we will contact them individually to arrange the delivery of their prize. 

Take part in the Kotlin 1.5 Online Event and send in your questions for the Kotlin team! 


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