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Language workbench to create Domain-Specific Languages


News About MPS 2019.3

MPS has three major releases per year. Last month we had 2019.2 and now there is only 2019.3 left for the beginning of December. As this happens to be the shortest release cycle, we decided to dedicate it to product stabilization. The whole team is focusing on investigating all the bugs, then fixing and resolving obsolete issues from our issue tracker.

We are reviewing all bugs assigned to the previous releases, which includes issues with the “Fix version” option defined. These bugs were most probably introduced into the MPS source code at the moment of a specific release, so it may be a regression problem in the MPS code. Also, they could have been reported by our community, and an MPS developer recognized this problem as significant for users and assigned it to the specific version. With this approach, we aim to address all the bugs from previous versions so all the future issues will be properly planned.

We are talking about over 1000 issues. It’s hard to say if we are going to fix all of them, but we will try to address as many as we can, as well as we can.


Get involved

Every ticket from our issue tracker has a voting system. Anyone can vote on any ticket to communicate that they’re also anxious to get the problem fixed. 

In our bug-fixing efforts for MPS 2019.3, we are using the number of votes as one of the sorting criteria to prioritize issues to be fixed. This is a good chance to report those annoying issues that you’ve always wanted us to fix and to vote for existing ones. This release will focus on issues, so vote for bugs, not features.



No featureless version

This approach does not mean that we won’t have any new features for this release. We will finish the ongoing work of implementing some features, continue the progress of the new Typesystem, and integrate the latest features from the IntelliJ Platform.

The plan for this release is for every member of our team to finish the work they are doing, and instead of developing new features, focus on fixing bugs and stabilize the product. For MPS 2020.1, we will go back to our normal release process and focus on delivering more new features.

The community is very important for us, so this is a way to show you that we are listening. We encourage you to report and vote for all the bugs that are affecting you in your projects.


Have a nice day!

Your JetBrains MPS Team

The Drive to Develop



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