
AppCode 2017.2 EAP: override/implement via completion and new intentions in Swift, __auto_type support and more!

Hi everyone,

Today we are starting the Early Access Program for AppCode 2017.2. The first build is already available on our site, so let’s see what’s on board!


Override/Implement via completion

This build brings one of the long-awaited features from our roadmap – Swift override/implement via completion in the editor! Just type the name of the entity you need to override or implement, select it in the completion list and have the corresponding stub automatically generated by AppCode:
Override completion

Intention for required protocol methods

In AppCode you can implement required protocol methods for the class derived from a protocol. Simply press ⌥ ⏎ on the Objective-C class name:
Implement intention
The same functionality is now available for Swift protocols:
Override intention Swift

Code style

Now settings for blank lines between properties and methods can be configured separately for classes and protocols:
Blank line settings
Besides, you can toggle spaces within braces in Swift code using Editor | Code Style | Swift | Spaces | Within | Code braces.


__auto_type support

AppCode is now able to parse __auto_type expressions in Objective-C/C/C++ and shows the __auto_type keyword in the completion list:
Auto type


The following major issues are fixed in this build:

  • Problem with enum completion in Swift (OC-15192)
  • Regression in resolve for Swift initializer calls (OC-15286)

That’s it! For the full list of fixes please see the release notes.

Your AppCode team
The Drive to Develop