
PhpStorm 7.0 released: PHP 5.5, Vagrant, SSH console, debugger config validation, Drupal, frameworks & more

PhpStorm 7.0, the new major release of our professional PHP IDE, is now available for download!

This release keeps up with the latest PHP & web languages trends, providing top-notch support for the latest PHP 5.5, with improved PHP syntax coloring, new refactorings, code inspections, and more features for effective back-end development.

The key features in PhpStorm 7 include:

PhpStorm 7 also brings a brand new web toolkit:

  • Different JavaScript templates (EJS, Mustache, Handlebars) and Web Components support.

  • Support for the modern stylesheets Stylus and Compass.

  • JavaScript and Node.js: JavaScript Karma test runner, the istanbul code coverage engine, and integrated node package manager npm.

  • Major changes in the Live Edit feature and in JavaScript debugging.

This release also includes many features and improvements from the underlying IntelliJ Platform developed by JetBrains, including GitHub pull requests from the IDE, database and SQL improvements, presentation and full screen view for all platforms, and more.

Read more about these and other new features on the PhpStorm website and download a 30-day trial for your platform.

Also, PhpStorm 7.0 is a free update for you if you purchased your license after October 22, 2012!

Develop with PhpStorm 7, the PHP IDE that goes beyond the language!
– JetBrains PhpStorm Team

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