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[Live Webinar] Python for the C# Developer, February 6th

PyCharm logoJoin us Thursday, February 6th, 17:00 – 18:00 GMT (check other time zones) for our free webinar, Python for the C# Developer with Michael Kennedy.

If you use C# and .NET, you may be surprised to find out how many of the features that you love also exist in Python (often first). Python is a wonderful language. It is a clean, high-level language which values readability over many trade-offs.

You can build web applications serving billions of monthly page views. You can build cross-platform GUI applications such as DropBox. You can access amazingly powerful database servers such as MongoDB and SQL Server.

Did you know many of the things you absolutely love about C# exist in Python too?

  • Lambda expressions – check;
  • Foreach loops – check;
  • Rich class library – check;
  • Iterators – check;
  • And there are more!

Come learn about all the things you love from C# and see how they are accomplished in Python. Space is limited; please register now.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the webinar. The recording will be available within a week after the webinar.

Mathias VerraesMichael Kennedy is an author, an instructor, and the technical curriculum director at DevelopMentor. He is a co-creator and lead developer for LearningLine, DevelopMentor’s online training platform. Michael is an experienced software developer and trainer passionate about .NET, MongoDB, Python and anything to do with the web. He is the author of DevelopMentor’s MongoDB and Python courses and a member of the MongoDB Masters community.
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