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The Python IDE for data science and web development

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Announcing General Availability of PyCharm 2016.1

Today we bring you PyCharm 2016.1, now available for download. This is the first update in the series of releases planned for 2016. Its outstanding new features for professional Python, Web and scientific development work together smoothly to offer you a unique coding experience.


As usual PyCharm 2016.1 is available as a full-featured Professional Edition for Python and Web development, or as a free and open-source Community Edition for pure Python and scientific development.

Here are some notable highlights of this release.

Python-related improvements:

  • Python 2 and Python 3 type hinting and compatibility inspection
  • Docker Compose and Docker container settings
  • Tox Support
  • Improved Support for Django Forms
  • Significant debugger improvements
  • Enhanced support for IPython Notebook

Platform enhancements:

  • Git Rebase and Rename
  • Git Worktree Support
  • By-word changes highlighting in Diff Viewer
  • Enhanced Database Tools
  • Local Terminal Improvements

Web development improvements:

  • Improvements in ECMAScript 6 and TypeScript support
  • Major enhancements in Angular 2 support
  • Support for debugging asynchronous client-side code
  • Running and debugging Node.js apps on remote hosts
  • And even more

For more details please watch this short What’s New in PyCharm 2016.1 video:

Read more about what’s new in PyCharm 2016.1 on the product website and download the IDE for your platform.

New versioning
As we announced earlier, with this release we’re changing the versioning scheme and moving away from one “major” release per year to several “equal” releases per year. Also, we’re aligning releases and version numbers across all products under JetBrains Toolbox. The new versioning will follow the format “YYYY.R” where yyyy represents the year, and “r” the release within that year.

The JetBrains Team
The Drive to Develop

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