
Why Postgres Should be your Document Database Webinar Recording

This Monday Jim Fulton, one of the first Python contributors, hosted a webinar about storing JSONB documents in PostgreSQL. Watch it now:

Known mostly for its mature SQL and data-at-scale infrastructure, the PostgreSQL project added a “JSONB” column type in its 9.4 release, then refined it over the next two releases. While using it is straightforward, combining it in hybrid structured/unstructured applications along with other facilities in the database can require skill.

In this webinar, Python and database consultant Jim Fulton shows us how to use JSONB and related machinery for pure and hybrid Python document-oriented applications. We also briefly discuss his long history back to the start of Python, and finish with his unique NewtDB library for native Python objects coupled to JSONB queries.

Jim uses PyCharm Professional during the webinar. PyCharm Professional bundles the database tools from JetBrains DataGrip, our database IDE. However, the webinar itself is focused on the concepts of JSONB.

You can find Jim’s code on GitHub:

If you have any questions or comments about the webinar, feel free to leave them in the comments below, or you can reach us on Twitter. Jim is on Twitter as well, his Twitter handle is @j1mfulton.

-PyCharm Team
The Drive to Develop

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