
Webinar Recording: “Productive pytest With PyCharm”

February 22nd we had Brian Okken on for a webinar titled "Productive pytest With PyCharm". Brian is the author of the recent book Python Testing with pytest and host of the Test and Code podcast. The recording is now available:

This webinar was a follow-on to the introductory Visual Testing with PyCharm October 2017 webinar with Kenneth Love. As such, Brian did a deeper dive into the intermediate features of pytest:

  • Good style for asserts
  • Refactoring verbose tests into fixtures and files
  • Refactoring fixtures
  • Using parameterize to repeat similar tests
  • Other uses of markers
  • Coverage

Brian’s webinar material (including notes) are available in a GitHub repo.

The recording is 1 hour and 29 minutes (we had lots of questions). If you have any questions about the material, post them here and we’ll either try to answer or ask Brian to pitch in. Thanks to Brian and thanks to everyone that participated…quite a number of good questions and even helpful answers from the audience (Cody, David.)

-PyCharm Team-
The Drive to Develop

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