Early Access Program News

RubyMine 2017.1.3 RC: Rails 5.1 Support

Hi there,

RubyMine 2017.1.3 RC (build 171.4424.48) is out now featuring support for Rails 5.1.0.

EDIT (May 23, 2017): RubyMine 2017.1.3 is now stable. Download this version from our website. 

As jQuery is no longer required by default, you can choose other JS libraries, such as React and Vue.js, when creating a new Rails app right from the New Project dialog:


We have also supported form_with that has replaced and unified form_for and form_tag in Rails 5.1:


As for other improvements, the Ruby code formatter now aligns assignments correctly regardless of the presence of code comments.

See the release notes for the full list of improvements.

Download RubyMine 2017.1.3 from our website. Use our tracker to submit any issues you face, provide your feedback in the comments below, and join us on Slack!


Your RubyMine Team

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