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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio


IntelliJ IDEA at Scala Days 2013, Survey and License Winners

Thanks to everyone who joined us last week in New York City for Scala Days 2013. We were impressed by how many passionate developers came to the conference. Special thanks to James Ward and TypeSafe for inviting us to such a great event.

It was also a pleasure to see a lot of the attendees at our session Scala Developer Tools in IntelliJ IDEA, where we presented the new features of the IDE for Scala developers, and announced the early preview of SBT support. We hope to post a recording of this session soon so everyone can watch it. In the meantime you can see the slides from the presentation.

While at the conference we ran a quick survey on Scala. We asked every developer who came to our booth to answer a few questions on their experience with Scala and IntelliJ IDEA. Over a hundred Scala developers gave us their feedback, and we’d like to share the results with you.


How often do you use Scala in your development?

It’s my job 74%
I use it at home 24%
I don’t use it for development 1%

Are you generally satisfied with Scala?

Yes, it’s brilliant! 84%
I see some issues in language design 11%
I’m feeling a lack of tools for Scala 5%

What build tool are you using for Scala?

Gradle 6%
SBT 70%
Maven 24%
Other 8%

Which test frameworks are you using for Scala?

ScalaTest 48%
Specs2 31%
JUnit 14%
TestNG 3%
Other 3%

What web framework are you using for Scala?

Play 2.x 47%
Play 1.x 1%
Lift 7%
Scalatra 12%
Spring 10%
Java EE 2%
I’m not using Scala for web 12%
Other (mostly Spray and Unfiltered) 9%

What priority directions can you suggest for Scala plugin developers?

Performance 19%
Type-aware highlighting 15%
Stability of release builds 5%
SBT support 15%
Play 2.x support 11%
Refactorings 14%
IDE compiler 5%
Other (mostly Spray and Unfiltered) 8%

All these results are very important for us, especially the last one, since it gives us a much better understanding of your needs. We hope to roll out improvements in these directions in our Scala plugin by the release of IntelliJ IDEA 13.

License Winners

And finally, as you remember we promised to run a license shuffle when the conference was over. We are happy to name 20 winners, each of whom will get a personal license for any JetBrains product (or its free upgrade) for free!

  • Darren Lee
  • Christian Sage
  • Todd Nist
  • Maarten Peschier
  • Tom Green
  • Tim Gilbert
  • Volker Bardenhorst
  • Jason Pearson
  • Eun Woo Song
  • Henrik Johansson
  • Sean Smith
  • Oleg Koytman
  • Richard Tarczaly
  • Eric Pederson
  • Oleksii Iepishkin

If you’re on this list, you will shortly receive a personal email from us with detailed instructions. Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone again for your support!!

Develop with Pleasure!