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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

Features Releases

Scala and Play 2.0 Plugins Update 0.38.437 is Out

Good news, everyone! The fresh versions of Scala and Play 2.0 plugins have arrived, and we’re going to briefly tell you what new goodies this update brings.

HOCON format

First of all, Roman Janusz has made a great contribution to Scala community by adding the HOCON format support to IntelliJ IDEA, and the Scala plugin now provides support for it out of the box.

Better import management

We have finally fixed the problem with incorrect imports (e.g. scala.Some), so you can use Optimize Imports to eliminate all bad imports in your code.

In addition, the Optimize Imports has been improved in several other ways:

  • Optimizing imports on the fly
  • Lexicographical sorting of import statements
  • Possibility to disable the grouping of imports from the same package in a single statement
  • Grouping imports
  • All imports are fully qualified by default

Faster and more user-friendly Scala worksheets

They’re just plain better. Read more details in the previous post.

Extract Trait refactoring

This is a new refactoring that helps you define new traits from existing classes.

Extract Method refactoring improved

This good old refactoring has been improved and can now search for duplicates and extract a case class when multiple output is detected. Plus, it now has fewer bugs and work a bit faster.

More inspections for collections

And last but not least, we have new code inspections for you! This time, they help you improve code working with collections:

  • contains(_ == x) ==> exists
  • getOrElse(null) ==> orNull
  • product, min, max ==> foldLeft, reduce
  • ==> fold
  • Map.get.getOrElse ==> getOrElse
  • !isEmpty ==> nonEmpty

That’s pretty much it. For the full list of changes, see the Release Notes.

As always, you’re welcome to share your feedback in our discussion forum as well as submit bug directly to the tracker.

Develop with Pleasure!