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Scala Plugin

Scala Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio


How to use the new features of IntelliJ Scala plugin 2018.2

The recently released IntelliJ Scala plugin 2018.2 offers many new features and improvements. Here’s a tutorial on how to use them:

To play with the implicit-related improvements, paste the following code into Project View:

class Implicits {
  import scala.language.implicitConversions

  def greet(name: String)(implicit age: Int): Unit =
    println(s"Hi $name, $age!")

  implicit val defaultAge: Int = 18

  // View / Parameter Info (Ctrl + P) now shows all parameter lists, including implicit ones

  // View / Show Implicit Hints reveals actual arguments to implicit parameters
  // You may also invoke Parameter Info to see both the parameters and the arguments at once

  // Ctrl + Alt + Shift + "+" enables the mode
  // Ctrl + Alt + Shift + "-" disables the mode
  // Find Action (Ctrl + A) can show / update "Show Implicit Hints" state
  // You may right-click on the hint and see / update "Show Implicit Hints" state

  // You can see a tooltip with details by pressing Ctrl / Cmd and holding mouse pointer over a hint

  // You can navigate to the argument definition either by Ctrl / Cmd + Mouse 1, or by Mouse 3

  // Explicit arguments to implicit parameters are shown with ".explicitly" prefix

  // Missing implicit arguments are displayed as errors
  def acceptBoolean(implicit b: Boolean): Unit = ()

  // You can see ambiguous implicit arguments
  // Click on "..." to expand the folding
  // Press Esc to close all previously expanded foldings
    implicit val maybeTrue: Boolean = true
    implicit val maybeFalse: Boolean = true

  // Implicit conversions are also revealed
  // You may right-click on the conversion and choose "Make explicit"
    implicit def stringToInt(s: String): Int = Integer.parseInt(s)

    val i: Int = "123"

  // Implicit conversions include implicit arguments
    implicit def stringToIntWithMore(s: String)(implicit more: Int): Int = Integer.parseInt(s) + more
    val i: Int = "123"

  // View / Expand Implicit Hints unfolds all hints and keep them unfolded
  // You may edit the code while keeping the hints fully expanded
  // Error details are expanded as well

  // Ctrl + Alt + Shift + "+" enables the mode
  // Ctrl + Alt + Shift + "-" disables the mode
  // Find Action (Ctrl + A) can show show / update "Expand Implicit Hints" state
  // You may right-click on the hint and see / update "Expand Implicit Hints" state
  // Hover mouse cursor over a paren while pressing Ctrl / Cmd to see the matched pair

    class A; class B; class C; class D

    implicit def aFromB(implicit b: B): A = new A
    implicit def bFromC(implicit c: C): B = new B

    // Comment the following line to reveal a nested missing argument error
    implicit val someC: C = new C

    // Uncomment the above line and the following line to show a nested ambiguous arguments error
    //implicit val anotherC: C = new C
    implicit val someD: D = new D

    def materializeB(implicit a: A, d: D): B = new B


  // Scala Standard Library examples

  Seq(1, 2, 3).sorted

  Seq(1, 2, 3).map(_ + 1)

