Features FYI News

TeamCity Helps Developers Weather Recession

Now TeamCity is equipped with a new feature designed to improve your project ROI and raise team motivation. It allows you to automatically charge developers for broken builds, abusing hardware resources, and more.
The charging feature provides a web UI where administrators can customize conversion rates and charging rules, as well as the list of accepted credit cards and payment methods.
To start improving your project bottom-line today, click here to learn more and download the latest TeamCity build.
As always, we are eager to hear your feedback. We also recommend backing up your data before you upgrade.
Enjoy your profitable building!
The JetBrains Team

Technorati tags: TeamCity, continuous integration, build management, agile development, JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, MS Visual Studio 2005, MS Visual Studio 2008, Mono

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