Contests FYI News

TeamCity Plugin Contest 2016 Winners Announcement

Greetings, everyone!

We’d like to thank all the entrants for making this year’s contest a success!

You have to know that making the final call on the winners was really tough: many of the contestants came up with good quality plugins, some made more than one submission. Several of the plugins were quite simple but well written, some were much more functional. Some covered popular technologies, others implemented integration with less known tools. However, we are sure each plugin will find its audience.


Every submission was judged against 4 main criteria: usefulness, creativity, completeness, and code quality. The discrepancy between the final candidates was really small, and after a heated discussion, our team of judges came up with the list of winners:

First prize
$3,000 Amazon gift certificate
Winner: reje
Plugin: TeamCity Docker Cloud Plugin

Second prize
$2,000 Amazon gift certificate
Winner: cape
Plugin: Container cloud

Third prize
$1,000 Amazon gift certificate
Winner: grigory.chernyshev
Plugin: Browser notify

Special prize from TeamCity development team
A Trip to JetBrains office in St. Petersburg or Munich
Winner: netwolfuk
Plugin: Debian Package Server

The People’s Choice Award (All Products Pack 1-year subscription) goes to the plugin which got most votes on the contest page:
xUnit test runner 2 by jnyaccuratech.

Congratulations to the winners! We will be contacting you shortly after this announcement. Please ping us if you don’t receive a message from us.

We are grateful to all participants of the competition: all together we received 29 plugins and they are already added to our brand new Plugin Repository. Out of 29, 26 were considered valid and we were happy to grant each of the authors a personal licence to one of the JetBrains IDEs.

Here is the list of these plugins:
Browser notify
Tasks Build Runner
OAuth2 authentication
Revision properties
xUnit test runner 2
Web parameters
Agent priority
Telegram Notifier
Agent Auto Authroize
Container cloud
Flowdock custom notifier
Virtual Cloud
Cached Subversion
Config Transformations
Snapshot dependency grouping by project
Gradle Cloud Services
TeamCity Docker Cloud Plugin
GitLab Issues
Debian Package Server

We are happy with the outcome of the contest, and are definitely going to hold it next year as well. We will add a prize for the best plugin maintenance, and it will go to the person who implements the most considerable improvements to their plugin. It’s just a little more encouragement for you to continue developing your plugins!

Congratulations and happy building!

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