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Toolbox App

Manage your IDEs the easy way

Toolbox App

Toolbox App 1.27 Release Overview

TL;DR: File association on Windows, Toolbox Enterprise support, Windows ARM64 detection, and new Bulgarian Community localization.

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This is another major release of the Toolbox App with long awaited features for Windows users and some new features for Mac and Linux users as well. Let’s dig deeper into the release details.

File extension association on Windows

We have added support for file association on Windows. You can now open files from Windows Explorer in your preferred IDE.

When you open a well-known and supported file type, you will automatically get a suggestion to open it with the corresponding Toolbox tool. In addition, for unknown extensions, it is still possible to create associations manually via the Open With dialog in Explorer. It’s also easier to do so because all of the installed Toolbox tools now appear there automatically.

As we announced earlier, launching the Toolbox App requires Windows 10 or later.

Windows ARM64 detection

We’ve added Windows ARM64 builds for all IntelliJ-based tools in the Toolbox App. The Toolbox App currently runs in emulation on Windows ARM64. Starting with 1.26.3, it correctly detects this and offers ARM64 builds for supported tools. No configuration is needed.

The native build of the Toolbox App itself is coming soon.

Toolbox Enterprise support

Earlier, we announced the Toolbox Enterprise early access release. Toolbox Enterprise is a company-centric and private way to distribute IntelliJ-based IDEs to employees with custom bundled plugins, settings, and many other features useful for companies. We’re continuing to develop the features of the Toolbox for companies. If your team is interested in the product, request a tool demo today! 

Community Translation: Localization to Bulgarian

It’s awesome when our passionate users invest their time and effort to make their favorite tools better. We’d like to thank our user Dimitar Bogdanov for translating the Toolbox App into Bulgarian. The new language is added to the list of available languages under the Toolbox App Settings in version 1.27. It has the new “Community” label to highlight that it was contributed by one of our users.

If you’d like to translate the Toolbox App into a language that is not yet available, we would be happy to help make this happen. Contact the team via YouTrack ticket or e-mail.

Check out the full Release Notes here.


The Toolbox App team

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