
What’s Next: WebStorm 2022.1 Roadmap

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2021 was pretty intense. We went through three major and a few minor releases, organized our first JavaScript Day, took part in several conferences (one of them was even offline!), and published lots of new content. We also welcomed 2 new members to our team – there are now 19 of us. If you want to learn more about what we’ve been up to, check out this blog post series.

Before we dive into our plans for the next release, we’d like to give a big shout-out to all of our Early Access Program users. Thank you for sharing your feedback! It really helps us improve the product. As usual, we rewarded the most active EAPers with free one-year product licenses.

Let’s take a look at some of the biggest things we have planned for WebStorm 2022.1, which is scheduled for release the end of March:

  • Remote development. With WebStorm 2021.3, we introduced a beta version of our new remote development workflow, JetBrains Gateway. You can already give it a try! In this release cycle, we’re going to fix some issues with it and make the functionality available out of the box.
  • Quality improvements. We plan to introduce some performance optimizations for the GraphQL plugin and keep up with the GraphQL specification updates. Additionally, we’re going to add support for page navigation in Next.js projects (WEB-48593), address the problem with npm/yarn not being recognized when Volta is used, and fix several issues with the webpack integration, including WEB-31023.
  • Running commands from Markdown files. We’re going to release a new feature we’ve been working on for a while – IDEA-257243. This will let you run commands directly from your README files by clicking on the Run icon next to them, similarly to how you would run single tests in WebStorm.
  • JavaScript and TypeScript support in Fleet. We’re going to dedicate some time to improving the JavaScript and TypeScript support in Fleet, a new IDE by JetBrains. If you haven’t heard of it, you can read about it in this blog post.

That’s about it. We can’t guarantee that all these improvements will be included, but we’ll do our best to make it happen. Stay tuned for information about the upcoming start of the Early Access Program for 2022.1!

The WebStorm team

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