
Fresh YouTrack Energy EAP Build!

This holiday season brings you one more surprise – a fresh YouTrack Energy EAP build! We’ve prepared a lot of new and exciting functionality, including:

  • Mailbox (POP3, IMAP) Integration. Submit new issues without even opening the bug tracker! Now you can report issues right from your e-mail client. Read more >>
    Related Issues:

    1. Submit issue via email.
    2. Issue from e-mail: provide setting for fetch period.
  • Customizable sidebar. Previously, your list of shared tags and saved searches could get overloaded and difficult to use. Now you can choose which tags and saved searches are visible (pinned) in your sidebar by pinning/unpinning items from the list. Organize your sidebar to have all the tags and saved searches you need right in front of you!
    Please note: This feature is still in progress and has been included in the EAP build to get your quick feedback while it’s being implemented.

    Related Issues:

    1. Ability to choose tags to show in a sidebar
  • Customizable attributes. State is converted to a customizable attribute, which allows you to specify any bundle of states or simply use the default one. A new custom attribute type version[1] is available. Also, you can now customize the default values for new issues.

    Related Issues:

    1. Convert state to custom field.
    2. Customizable defaults for new issues.
    3. Allow creating a combobox of versions, not only a multibox.
  • Administration Improvements
    Related Issues:

    1. Merge two groups together and more…
    2. Warn admin about license expiration and end of upgrade period.
  • REST API Improvements
    Related Issues:

    1. Ability to specify visibility group when creating an issue via REST.
  • Usability Improvements
    Related Issues:

    1. ‘Unstar’ should remove star for requested user.
    2. New issue html notification should looks like FSI.
    3. Collapsible text feature for description and comments.

    Please check the full issues list included in the new EAP build, and don’t forget to share your feedback with us! You are welcome to:

    1. Submit issues and feature requests in our bug tracker.
    2. Speak out at our community forum.
    3. Submit private feedback using our feedback form.
    4. Rate individual EAP builds right on the YouTrack EAP Builds page.

    Download and enjoy the fresh YouTrack functionality!

    Happy New Year!
    JetBrains YouTrack Team