
YouTrack 3.2: Through-the-Roof Performance

Please welcome YouTrack 3.2, a fresh update for your super-fast issue tracker! Super-fast, because this release is totally dedicated to performance improvements.

These improvements affect all parts of the software, from launching YouTrack to search queries, notification system, FIS, release notes and more. You might think, YouTrack is already fast enough, so why bother putting so much effort into more improvement? Honestly speaking, what prompted these improvements was our own YouTrack installation. We’ve reached 400,000 issues and 28,000 users – pretty big, wouldn’t you say? Now, if your current YouTrack installation has fewer than 100,000 issues, maybe you won’t feel the difference immediately. But remember, every project grows, and it’s really nice to have an issue tracker that doesn’t slow down with that growth. With YouTrack covering your growing performance needs, you’ll never be forced to migrate because of a frail issue tracker.

And now, here are the juicy details about the great performance improvements we’ve got today:

  • Search Queries

Advanced search capabilities are at the heart of YouTrack, so we never stop sharpening search. Processing complicated search requests, which sometimes requires filtering results from 100,000 issues, has been optimized by up to 10 times. For example, if you search for issues “reported by All Users and updated during last week and…”, you’ll definitely feel the difference!

  • Suggestions and underlines

Showing suggestions and underlines are sped up in search queries, commands, create/edit report dialog, mailbox integration, and TeamCity integration.

  • Notifications System

The notifications queue is now processed up to 5 times faster. When you have thousands of notifications to process, this will really make a difference. For example, a queue of hundreds of notifications is now processed in less than 7 minutes.

  • Issues List & FIS

We’ve optimized the longest possible issues list (100 issues) to load 20% faster. We’ve also optimized the Linked Issues tab containing a number of linked issues to open much faster. Also, calculating the paging on FIS is now asynchronous, which saves you time on opening an issue and switching to the next/previous one.

  • Release Notes

Opening issues in HTML is greatly improved as well. No more waiting to open your release notes!

  • Matrix Reports

The results of matrix reports are now stored in the DB, which means that they are not recalculated automatically each time you open the dashboard. We’ve also added a Recalculate report button, as well as the last calculated date and time label. With these improvements, you don’t have to waste time on recalculating reports regularly, and just update the results only per request.

More Features

But that’s not all! Here are more useful features you need to know about:

  1. We’ve added a very easy way to select and copy issue ID from the full issue screen. Simply press Ctrl+C to select issue ID, then press Ctrl+C to copy issue ID to the clipboard. Simple!
  2. Finally, we’ve excluded the current search query from issue URLs. How does it work?  When you’re looking through the list of filtered issues, you may want to copy the URL of an issue and paste it somewhere. Now you navigate to the full issue screen, and get the issue URL without any additional parameters.
  3. Disable processing issues not mentioned in VCS: Now you can control whether to process resolved issues that are not mentioned in commit comments, by enabling/disabling control in TeamCity mapping dialog. This option is disabled by default:
  1. Show progress on calculating matrix reports: Now you can check visual progress while creating or recalculating your complicated matrix report.

Please read the full Release Notes for more details. Download YouTrack 3.2 along with YouTrack Workflow Editor 3.2 or sign up for YouTrack InCloud, the latest version is already there!

Enjoy your rocket-fast issue tracker even more!
JetBrains YouTrack Team