
Time Tracking Is Here — Welcome YouTrack 4.1 EAP

We are very excited to announce the opening of YouTrack 4.1 EAP, completely devoted to Time Tracking functionality. You’ve been actively commenting and voting for this feature, and now it’s just the perfect time to share it with you.  Please welcome Time Tracking in YouTrack!

Before you start using it, let me tell you more details about Time Tracking in YouTrack 4.1:

1. Adding a work item to an issue: We’ve added a new tab called Time Tracking to the full issue screen, where you add work items, indicating your progress on specific issue.

2. Smart way of adding work items: Of course, we support adding work items via commands. Simply type this command:

work 1d2h45m added a basic logic

to add a work item with the time spent=1 day, 2 hours and 45 minutes and the descriptionadded a basic logic“. By using commands, you can add work items to multiple issues in one step:

2. Estimation and Time Spent: You can estimate the time to get the issue done and track the actual time spent, as you work on it. Check your progress at a glance, visually indicating the time left to complete the work, according to the original estimate.
Full Issue Screen:

Agile Board:

3. Summarizing the total Time Spent working on the Feature according to the time spent working on its sub-tasks. If you are interested in the total time estimate of your Feature (or any parent issue), as well as in time spent working on all its sub-tasks, YouTrack is there to give you the information. Actually, this is just a default workflow we supply with YouTrack. If you don’t need it, you can always turn it off:

4. Time Report: You often need to report the time spent working on a specific subsystem, iteration, project, during a certain time period, etc. YouTrack allows you to create this report based on any search query results you need. For example, use the following search query: project: JBC #Resolved -Bugs to create a time report, including all the resolved issues in JBC project, excluding bugs. Specify the time period and choose whether to display the report per User or per issue, or export it, or print it:

5. Permission based Time Tracking: Enable Read Time Tracking permission to allow a user to see the Time Tracking tab, and enable Update Time Tracking permission to let him/her add a work item. Access to the Estimation/Time Spent fields is granted in a standard way of accessing any custom field.

Project-based Time Tracking: Enable Time Tracking and create/choose Estimation and Spent Time fields to be used for Time Tracking in your project:

Now you are 100% ready to try Time Tracking for your projects. Download the latest YouTrack 4.1 early access program build and let us know what you think!

Your feedback is highly appreciated in any of the following forms:

  • Our issue tracker is always open for your bugs, requests and comments, so please post your feedback!
  • Community Forum is probably the best place for your questions and sharing ideas.
  • Adding comments to this blog post is super helpful as well!

Enjoy tracking your time the smart way!

P.S. By the way, we’ve added many more goodies to the new version, and here is the full list of release notes. Stay tuned for more news on the improvements expected in YouTrack 4.1.

JetBrains YouTrack Team