News Releases

Introducing YouTracker — the first iOS client for YouTrack

This post comes from Lorenz Lauwaert, the author of first iOS client for YouTrack.

Hello! My name is Lorenz, I’m a developer from Belgium and a big fan of JetBrains YouTrack.

I love the way YouTrack works and feels and I wanted to extend that feeling to the mobile platform. But first of all, I want to thank the whole JetBrains team that gave me the opportunity to introduce the first iOS app available for YouTrack:


YouTracker for iPhone

YouTracker is available for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. Current supported versions: YouTrack 3.0 or higher.

Since YouTrack is very customizable and allows you to quickly update/edit/create issues. I made sure that those advantages are found in the app as well. If you use YouTracker on your YouTrack instance you will be able to customize your projects so the UI feels familiar to what you are used to.

The app is a few months old and new features are being added frequently. This is a list of currently implemented features the latest YouTracker 1.5.0 supports:

  • List your issues: The list can be fully customized by deciding which custom fields should be shown, background coloring for issues.
  • Creating issues.
  • Issue filtering: Use your saved searches or type a query in the search bar (with intellisense) to quickly find the issue you are looking for.
  • Agile board: The app will allow you to use an agile board that can be configured at will. You can enable drag and drop to update issues (as you would in the web interface).
  • Time tracking: YouTracker allow you to manage and display time tracking settings. The issue list can even contain a small progress bar.
  • Attachment adding: Use your camera take a picture or use a photo from the library to add it as an attachment.
  • Issue details: view and update custom fields, add and delete comments, view and add attachments, view history, view links, etc.
  • Quick linking: Let YouTrack add a ‘youtracker://?ID-12’ link to your notification e-mails and you can use them to immediatly launch the app and show that issue’s details.
  • Multiple projects: You can select one or more projects to be active in the app. Each project can be configured separately.
  • Multiple host / account support: You can add multiple hosts / accounts to the app. This is very handy if you use multiple YouTrack instances
  • Plus more handy features…

The app already supports quite a lot of features, but development is far from over. This app is very alive and gets frequent updates and features added to it. This is a list of things that I would like to add:

  • Tag support
  • Apply commands to one or more issues
  • Macro’s (e.g. apply a specific command by swiping the issue list)
  • VGA out support
  • The todo list isn’t set in stone. Any suggestions are appreciated

I have setup a YouTrack cloud instance which can be used to add any suggestions (or bugs) if you have any please visit

You can try out the iPhone version or the iPad version. There is a lite version available to show you what the app is all about if you wish to see how it works.

YouTracker for iPad

Feel free to follow me on Facebook or YouTracker Twitter.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Lorenz Lauwaert