News Releases

YouTrack 5.0 Release Candidate is Available. Be the first to try it out!

Attention! Achtung! Внимание! Consideración!

If you want to be the first to try YouTrack 5 codenamed “Gentle”, we’ve got a Release Candidate ready. Grab it while it’s hot!

What should you try in YouTrack 5?


We did it! Most voted feature in YouTrack ever is here. Change the UI language on the Administration > Settings tab to explore YouTrack in French, German, Russian or Spanish:
Change Language

Awesome Agile Project Management
We prepared numerous enhancements for our Agile project tracking. Try them all:

  • Create a common board for multiple projects
  • Narrow down the issues on the board using search queries
  • Share the board with the team or keep it just for yourself
  • Set attributes as swimlanes
  • Drag the subtasks directly to the board from the new tree-like backlog
  • Keep as many boards as you need
  • Enjoy a fresh look and feel for cards

Enhanced Agile Board

Restyled UI
Clear and fresh, the redesigned UI lets you track your issues more efficiently and cooler than ever before.
Create Issue Screen

Other great features you don’t want to miss:

  • Sharp-looking Darcula TV theme for Agile board
  • Similar issues tab to avoid duplicates
  • Wiki Markup now supports HTML tags and mentioning users
  • New ‘Clone issue’ command
  • Renewed Screenshot tool

If you like, dig deeper into details with YouTrack 5.0 RC release notes. Download the latest RC (#7165) from the EAP page or play with one of these InCloud EAP instances in your language:

Also, we have updated the biggest YouTrack Installation on JetBrains issue tracker production. This means that the final release of YouTrack 5.0 is just around the corner. Stay tuned these few days before the release and please share all your feedback with us.

Keep calm and track it softly with YouTrack 5 codenamed “Gentle”
JetBrains Youtrack Team