Digest News

Happy Holidays! What has 2013 been like?

The New Year is just around the corner and it’s almost time for long holidays for us! First of all, we would like to wish you Happy Holidays. Let’s make these days the most wonderful time of the year, when the most precious dreams come true!

New Year is just the right time for summing up. Looking back, we would like to  share the most remarkable things happened to our Fast-flying-agile Bird during the 2013:

1. YouTrack mastered Spanish, Russian, German and French, with custom localization options also available.

2. YouTrack learned how to chat with you via Jabber.

3. YouTrack became extremely agile with the cross-projects agile boards, multiple agile boards and new backlog management.

4. A restyled UI with Darcula TV look-and-feel has made YouTrack way more stylish and trendy.

Overall, YouTrack has grown by 200% and our customer base has almost doubled this year.  These positive trends lead us to believe that we are on the right path to delivering the perfect issue tracking system and agile project management tool, which gives you enough freedom to create the best solutions for your customers. This is made possible by you — by submitting your feature requests and sharing your feedback with us!

We promise to do our best next year, to make you even happier with the brand-new-cool features we are already working on, as well as the best service and support you can imagine.

Join us today, by downloading YouTrack stand-alone or signing up for YouTrack InCloud!

Happy Holidays, and have a Great 2014!