
YouTrack 5.1.1 Is Out

Please welcome a fresh update for your favorite Agile issue and project tracker – YouTrack 5.1.1. This minor version brings a number of important bug fixes and cute little goodies for the recently released YouTrack 5.1.

The most important things you need to know about YouTrack 5.1.1 are:

1. A number of fixes for the mailbox integration, including processing emails with attachments, inline images and reply emails, checking a mailbox automatically etc.

2. JT-23695: a small improvement of our help desk support: an ability to download attachments for the unregistered users. Your external customers will now receive the email notification which contains a link to view/download attachment even if the customer doesn’t have access to your YouTrack issue, originally created from his/her email.

3. JT-22115: improved email filtering: user account is not created for a sender of filtered email, means that a new user account wont ever be created for spam or auto-reply email.

4. JT-23708: Agile board improvement: now you choose a sprint to move unresolved tasks from when creating a new sprint.

5. Multiple fixes and enhancements for our custom workflow.

Please take a look at the full list of YouTrack 5.1.1 release notes for more details. Get YouTrack 5.1.1 now and to enjoy your tracking process even more! By the way, if you are using YouTrack InCloud, your instance is already upgraded to the latest version, according to our Maintenance Calendar.

Keep tracking with pleasure!