
YouTrack Wins Jolt Productivity Award for 2014

We are thrilled and proud to share great news with you! Yesterday, August 5, Dr. Dobbs Journal named YouTrack a winner of the Jolt Productivity Award for the best programming utilities of 2014.

JoltUtilitiesLogo_full“YouTrack carries many of the same elements found in the IDEs: a remarkably intuitive and elegant UI, a feature set that is complete without ever feeling heavy, and favorable pricing. YouTrack has grown from simple defect tracking to workflow management. It supports both Scrum and Lean methodologies and allows you to define the custom fields and workflows that best suit your needs.”

— Mike Riley and Andrew Binstock

Congratulations to the whole YouTrack JetBrains team and to all our customers who always help us improve the product! Working together, we will continue to make project management and issue tracking easier and more agile, for every team and every team member. We would also like to thank Dr. Dobbs Jolt 2014 panel of judges for their consideration and expert opinions.

Keep tracking with pleasure!